Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Over the weekend I got slammed by a bad cold. How does this happen? Going along just fine, nice little critical path of things to do before the Open House and WHAM … a scratchy throat, then that little bugger takes a dive straight for my lungs. Within 24 hours I knew that bronchitis was on its way.

I knew I was pushing too hard but I loved what I was creating and couldn't stop. But getting sick 6 days before the big show was decidedly not on any of the checklists.

Fortunately, I already had an appointment scheduled on Monday morning with an acupuncturist who is also an RN and he had a plan. He set some needles, put me on the most amazing homeopathic remedies and nipped it. In the normal course of things I would have been flat on my back by now, but thanks to Tom Hammett I'm still functioning and still pretty much on track with that checklist.

The art went up yesterday and the studio looks fantastic! I really believe in the work I’m creating right now and I’m excited about having thousands of people see it. We anticipate 8-10,000 visitors in the building for the Open House this coming Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. It’s one of the big art events of the year in Indianapolis and one of many reasons why I chose to locate my studio in the building.

The building is an old Stutz Bearcat automobile factory, recycled into alternative studio/office space in the early 90s by a visionary developer who is also a painter. The Open House started out with a couple of artists and a plastic swimming pool filled with ice and beer, inviting their friends over to see their art. This weekend there will be more than 60 artists opening our studios to the public.

Exciting times. I’ll post some pictures soon.

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