Monday, April 18, 2011

Ideas taking form ...

I just returned from the International Association of Facilitators annual conference where I participated in the visual meetings track.

Being an experienced meeting facilitator with an art/design background, graphic facilitation is a natural fit. During the 4 day conference I got to jam with 6 leading graphic facilitators.

Our job as graphic recorders is to make meeting processes visible. Our work is often messy because participatory decision making is messy. We are creating the visuals that allow people to see ideas flow in real time.

Markers and big paper (4' x 8') are the tools of our trade.
We're not there to create pretty charts & graphics, although that may happen.

It's the process that's important. As graphic recorders, we're there
to listen carefully, to accurately record what the group is saying and the decisions that are emerging from the process.

Messy and beautiful. Ideas taking form.

I'm excited!

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