Monday, April 14, 2008

Behind the Scenes: 10 days before the spring studio tour at the Stutz

Ten days to go before our big spring studio tour at the Stutz and I thought it might be interesting to post a few before and after pictures of the studio.

The past few days I've been working ridiculous hours and my studio looks like it. This is a shot of the part of my studio were I exhibit my work during the open house. I also love working in this space. Tonight I'm sorting through the sumi drawings, choosing the best to frame and hang for the studio tour.

When I create these drawings I create literally hundreds of images and most end up in the recycling bin. Less than 10% make the cut and only a few of those will be framed for the studio tour, although others will be available for sale unframed.

These drawings are magical to create. And people tell me they are magical to experience. In between the magic there's a whole lot of tedious work, as you can see from this picture of my workroom.

Here I'm sorting, selecting the best images, and cataloging them by linking the drawing and it's photographic counterpart on the computer.

So I'm taking a break to post this, but now it's time to get back to work!

More later.

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